World General Knowledge Book: English is the best General Knowledge app for learning about English General Knowledge. General Knowledge quiz is in English. Those students who are going to give exam for government jobs and different kind of tests and interviews. General knowledge book for free in English will helps students & professionals to prepare for competitive exams, refreshing the concepts & boosts confidence. With English GK app you can increase your English General Knowledge in very short time. Kids also can learn a lot of form this beautiful Kids GK Book.
Over 15,000 World GK Questions added in various categories and many more coming with future updates.
GK in English is useful for Interview, Competitive exams like SNAP, NTS, OTS, JTS, CTS, MTS, PTS, GCTS, BTS, UTS and other MBA exams, CSS, Entrance exams, Bank PO, UPSC, IAS and other Public Service Commission Exams.
English General Knowledge trivia feature topics:
1. Abbreviations
2. Animals & birds
3. Body Facts
4. Books and Authors
5. Capitals of all Countries
6. Cities GK
7. Computer
8. Currencies of the World
9. Famous Inventions
10. Largest, Longest Biggest, Tallest
11. Longest, Shortest, Deepest
12. Nobel Prize
13. Religion and culture trivia
14. Religious Festivals
15. Seven Continents
16. Science
17. Sciences and Scientists
18. Sports Knowledge
19. Units and Measurements
20. Wonders of the World
21. World History
22. World Wars History
23. Ms World
24. Ms Excel
25. Ms PowerPoint
26. World Headquarters
27. Universe information
28. Commerce
29. World Military Awards
30. International Days
31. Natural Seven Wonders
32. Economics General Knowledge
33. Statistics GK Book
34. Biology Questions Answers
35. Chemistry General Knowledge
36. Physics GK
37. Soil and Agriculture
38. Computer Security
39. Marketing Management
And many more GK Bank and GK questions are coming.
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